10 Foods to Eat for Healthy Skin
There is so much we do now days to maintain ourselves, if it's visiting the nail shop, getting our hair done, getting an Anti-Aging Facial or spending the evening at the local gym, there is no shortage of effort when it comes to looking your best.
While no one likes to walk around with hair that looks like you got a electrocuted, nobody likes to walk around with their skin feeling eww..
Here are 10 effortless foods that you can incorporate into your diet that will ensure you are giving your skin the right nutrition.
1. Tomatoes
When it comes to having great skin, you can count on tomatoes. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant named lycopene which improves your skin's natural SPF or sun protection and has been known to reduce sunburn by as much as 30%! (SPF is still recommended)
2. Green Tea
People who consumed Green Tea found to have a quarter less sun damage and reported smooth skin with more elasticity. Green Tea contains EGCG which boosts blood flow and oxygen levels which in turn help pass along vital nutrients to your skin.
3. Dark Chocolate
Before you rush to Cosco to buy a months worth of chocolate, please remember that too much sugar can cause inflammation which leads to break outs. But in moderate amounts, Dark Chocolate can be beneficial for your skin as it contains cocoa flavanols which are antioxidant rich and are known to help hydrate skin and improve circulation.
4. Oatmeal
Pass on the cream cheese bagel for breakfast and indulge in some good ol' fashioned oatmeal, it is not much for what the oatmeal does, but much more about what it doesn't do. A bagel is full of refined carbs which triggers insulin levels to spike then causing the sebacious gland to produce more oil that can lead to breakouts. Oatmeal for breakfast (that should be a hashtag)
A research found that people who had an increase of 17-grams of fat to their diet, increased their chances of wrinkles by 28%. Eggs become a good option because it gives you your necessary Proteins while being low in fat.
6. Almond Milk
Almond Milk is on this list because it's a great alternative for dairy. Regular Milk is known to be inflammatory which will aggravate acne, wrinkles and skin rashes. So next time your having a cereal or adding milk to your coffee, choose some unsweetened Almond Milk.
7. Kiwi
This little fruit packs a punch when it comes to vitamin C. One medium sized fruit gives you 120% of your daily needs! Vitamin C is essential for your skin as it helps to stimulate collagen production which keeps your skin firm and keep wrinkles at bay.
8. Pumpkin
This one makes us really excited! Pumpkin is a powerful one, as it is used in many professional facials like the pumpkin enzyme peel. Pumpkin is loaded with Beta-Carotene which your body turns into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in many skin care products so having some Pumpkin in your diet will have your skin thanking you.
9. Olive Oil
Olive Oil is a great oil to use to cook or to add to your meal. It is loaded with antioxidant polyphenols which help you skin combat against aging free radicals, and in turn helps your skin stay youthful.
10. Water
We could not complete this list without adding water. Water doesn't just keep your skin hydrated, but by doing so, it keeps your skin plump and less wrinkled. Also when you choose water over sugary drinks, you are also avoiding all the terrible pro-aging side effects that sugar can cause.